Wherever i go, i always introduce the palumara as a typical culinary from Central Sulawesi. In fact, I always say that it is a compulsory food for our family. The dining table is incomplete without the presence of Palumara.
No exception to my friend, Tshering Palden, Chief of Editor Kuensel, influential newspaper in Bhutan and Maran Htoi Aung, Editor at Kachin Waves, a daily newspaper in Myanmar. They were my room-mate when i got fellowship from Temasek Foundation in 2019, last year.
To be easy to understand, I call Palumara a Yellow Fish Soup.
Fortunately, because i was in singapore, i easily found spices to make palumara. I can get tomatoes, orange leaves, lime, chili, turmeric, red onion and garlic, lemongrass and basil in local market.
To cook the Palumara, i bought some Small Yellow Selar. Singaporeans named it Kunning atau Ikan Kuning.
Cooking palumara is so asy. After the fish is washed, wash with a little salt and squeeze the lime. After that, prepare a skillet and heat the cooking oil. The stove fire is moderate.
The first time put the thinly sliced red onion into the hot cooking oil. Lighten a little and then add the garlic then the chili is also thinly sliced. Stir to evenly mature. After the basic spices are mixed, just add lime leaves. Saute until it comes out of the scent. If it’s fragrant enter the fish then turmeric. Add salt or flavoring. If you don’t want flavoring, use sugar. Stir it up. Then let stand for a while until the spices soak.
If you believe the spices have seeped into the fish meat, add about 300 milliliters of water. Add thinly sliced tomatoes. Let it boil until the fish is cooked. Don’t forget to add a little lemon juice to get a fresh taste. Palumara was ready.
Finally, Palumara goes to Singapore. Come on, let’s eat. The dinner table in our room in Kent Vale Apartement is enough for six guests. ***