During the Covid-19 pandemic, many alternative tourist attractions were crowded. Some were only known during a pandemic. Especially in the early days when social restrictions and encouragement at home were echoed. One of the alternative tourist attractions is a mysterious lake in the Behoa Megalithic Valley, Central Lore, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi.

Peoples gave it a simple name; Tonawuhu Lake. It means ‘one who has a pool’. Others call it a mysterious lake because it was recently discovered and crowded with visitors.

For those who like adventure sports, this place is worth a visit. Especially for those fans of bike sports. The road to the lake, which has green water, is still a path and just openings for production roads for planters or shepherds.

Of course, the trip to tourist attractions that are increasingly crowded during the Covid-19 pandemic is exciting and challenging.

Lake Tonawuhu is located about 1300 meters above sea level. The weather is cool, but in summer the sun is of course even stifling. Because it has not been visited yet, the lake still looks beautiful and natural.

This lake is included in the area of Torire Village, Central Lore District, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi. This area is generally known as the Behoa Megalithic Valley. The area is directly adjacent to the world’s biosphere reserve; Lore Lindu National Park.

There are no public facilities, such as canteens or public toilets. Therefore, visitors must bring their own food and drink supplies. Usually, visitors who dare to use a raft down the river. Some are fishing. Some just take pictures together or take selfies. The lake, which is less than six hectares wide, has green water because the soil structure is clay.

“Exciting. The lane to the lake is exciting. The lake is still natural, ”Fita Sari said. She is staff of the Lore Lindu National Park when visiting the lake, on August 13, 2020.

Warni Tenge, local residents also admit that this lake is beautiful.

“This is the first time I come. The lake is beautiful, because it is at the top of the hill. Almost the same as Tambing Lake. The area is the same. But Lake Tambing is already famous,” said Warni.

Central Sulawesi is known to have a number of beautiful lakes. Two famous ones are Poso Lake and Lindu Lake, and many small lakes covering only six hectares to tens of thousands of hectares. On average, it is located above an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.

When you saw the color of the water, it looks like the structure that forms this lake is clay, so it is greenish in color. This lake is not yet crowded with other residents. The lake just visiting by local residents, residents of Torire Village or residents of the Behoa Valley. There are no canteen facilities and the roads have not been built as it should be the lane to tourist attractions. Even so, this lake is like a little paradise in the Behoa Valley.

“Local people often do it. If outsiders are not yet known. For the people here it has been around ten years that they know this lake exists. The road had only been opened for about a year. In the past, we just walking, ”Elvani Malonta said. She is a local resident.

In this lake, according to local residents, it is a habitat for snakehead fish and others. People usually come fishing at certain times. That is why a raft is also provided here. That is when residents want to fish into the middle of the lake or cross to their garden across the lake.

From Palu, the capital city of Central Sulawesi Province, Torire Village is approximately 154 kilometers away. Can be reached by private vehicle, car or motor bike, or public transportation. To get to Tonawuhu Lake can only be reached by motorbike. ***