Since it was first confirmed in Indonesia in March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has not decreased in the number of cases. Until July 2020, the number of COVID-19 positive patients was more than 60 thousand people. Even so, the government continues to make various efforts to counter the spread of the pandemic that began to emerge in December 2019.
One such effort is to conduct various studies to develop COVID-19 antidotes carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture through the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (Balitbangtan).
Later, these products can be patented and distributed to various layers of Indonesian society.
Citing by, these are various anti-COVID-19 products whose formulas have been patented by the Ministry of Agriculture.
Aromatic Formula
Based on Eucalyptus oil, this aromatic formula has been patented with patent registration number P00202003578. Later, this formula will be used as one of the basic ingredients of the diffuser. Not only is it believed to ward off new types of Corona Virus, this formula can also cause fragrance in the room.
This Antivirus Inhaler herb also uses Eucalyptus as a basic ingredient in the manufacturing process. This product is patented with patent registration number P00202003574. This product will be easier to carry everywhere. So not only wash your hands often with a hand sanitizer in various circumstances, this product can be used to increase immunity from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nanoencapsulation Powder
In addition to inhalers and aromatic products, the Ministry of Agriculture has also patented products in the form of Eucalyptus-based antivirus with patent registration number P00202003580. This product is in the form of powder which will also be used as a base for making balm.
Essential oils
Roll-on and balm forms also use Eucalyptus citridora and Ecucalyptus globulus essential oil products. This product has been tested and is able to ward off the Avian Influenza virus, H5N1 subtype influenza, Gammacoronavirus, and Betacoronavirus. Later, this essential oil can also be dropped in various diffusers.
Antivirus Necklace
The Ministry of Agriculture also manufactures antivirus necklaces which are claimed to be able to kill Covid-19. This necklace is claimed to kill 42 percent of the virus if used for 15 minutes and can kill 80 percent of the virus if used for 30 minutes.
In preparing it, the Ministry of Agriculture and Balitbangtan cooperates with a national private company, PT Eagle Indo Pharma, known as Cap Lang products. ***