The Brimob (Armored Police Brigade) bomb squad of Central Sulawesi Regional Police Department have disposed 11 homemade bombs which are evidences in the Tinombala 2020 Operation and Madago Raya 2021 Operation that hunts down terrorists in Poso District.

Vice Head of Public Relations of Madago Raya Task Force, Police Adjunct Senior Commissioner Bronto Budiono said that the bombs findings from the terrorists during the operation.

“Handmade bombs that were destroyed, were found pieces of nails and buckwheat brown powder suspected of being explosives. All bombs high explosive. It can kill and injure a certain distance,” Bronto said in Landangan, Poso, Saturday, August 28th, 2021.

The extermination of bombs were done by Brimob Headquarter Detachment B in Landangan, Poso, by an expert team.

The police are collaborating with the armed forces who continue to organize Madago Raya Operation in Poso, Parigi Moutong and Sigi District to hunt Ali Kalora, new leader of Mujahidin East Indonesia along with 5 followers who are still hiding in forests in the coastal area of Poso, Parigi Moutong and Sigi.

The Police and Armed Forces have deployed 1,400 joint personnels in attempt to eradicate the group for they have committed a number of terror and radical acts as well as spreading radicalism in Poso.

Central Sulawesi Regional Police Department Chief Inspector General Abdul Rakhman Baso and Brigadier General Farid Makruf, Commander of the Military Resort Command 132 Tadulako has asked Ali Kalora and his followers to surrender themselve in order to stop the bloodshed.

If they surrender themselve, the Madago Raya Task Force guarantee to treat them kindly throughout the legal proceedings.  Some of Ali Kalora’s followers have been captured alive and surrendered to the authorities. ***